Modern Disease is the result of the progressive decline of the systems supporting the human body
Every cell, tissue, and organ in the human body has been designed over millions of years of evolutionary pressures to perform a specific function. Combined, these components form complex, dynamic networks that are well-designed to handle the many challenges that the natural world puts forth. However, the factors that have arisen in the modern, industrial world have the power to override these networks, leading the body to a state of dysregulation, dysfunction, and disease.
By learning how this dysregulation and dysfunction arise due to the mismatch between the natural design of the body and the modern world, you become capable of making decisions that lead to the avoidance of these pathways to Modern Disease.
Get Started Understanding the Primary Principles of the Reprogrammed Systems Model
Insulin Resistance - An examination of the core mechanism driving modern disease
Insulin resistance is an important mechanism central to the progression of metabolic dysfunction. Understanding this condition is essential for making decisions that allow us to take control over our own health.
In this mini-series, we will walk through exactly what this state is, how it arises, and what you can do about it.

Insulin Resistance - What exactly is this condition?
Insulin resistance is a clear culprit behind the progression of modern disease, yet it does not get the attention it deserves. By understanding why insulin resistance arises in the body, we can begin to formulate methods for effectively addressing this condition.
Insulin Resistance - Common pathways driving metabolic dysfunction
By understanding how insulin resistance progresses, along with the key inputs driving this progression, we can make decisions that lead to the avoidance or reversal of these pathways.
Effectively addressing insulin resistance
Addressing insulin resistance is a necessary first step towards addressing modern disease, but mainstream methods used to tackle this condition often miss the mark. By understanding the complex, dynamic network that is the progression of insulin resistance, we can come up with effective solutions.
Understanding Fat Acccumulation
The human body has been designed such that there is tight regulatory control over how much fat will build-up, along with the location of that stored fat. Given the state of the modern world - a world in which the norm is to carry around excess weight - clearly, something has happened to the control mechanisms regulating fat storage.
In this mini-series, you will find an examination of different perspectives through which we can understand fat accumulation, along with the Reprogrammed Systems Approach to addressing the problem.

Using Exercise to Reprogram Your Body

The Reprogrammed Systems Model
A model describing the progression of dysregulation and dysfunction towards Modern Disease
Modern Disease arises as the body loses its ability to effectively regulate its internal energy. This begins with the loss of ability to tightly regulate energy consumption, circulation, storage, and oxidation, resulting in energy build-up. This energy dysregulation progresses towards metabolic dysfunction, eventually resulting in the arising of clinically relevant symptoms - what we call Modern Disease

The Lipid Transport System
Cholesterol's role in atherosclerosis is completely misunderstood, both by the general public as well as by many health officials.
Cholesterol, LDL, and HDL are all crucial components of the lipid transport system, working together to keep your body healthy.
Take some time to understand the wonderful process that transports fat and cholesterol throughout the body, the role it has to play in atherosclerosis, and most importantly, how your choices lead to progression of the disease and overall health of your body.