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I am still interested in supporting your health journey:
- mentally
- physically
- emotionally
These days, I am also deeply interested in working with it all in connection with the greater Earth we live on.
Our dear planet is hurting. Just like we humans are hurting.
And that isn't a coincidence.
Us human beings are intricately connected to the greater living systems that make up the planet.
Healing ourselves goes hand-in-hand with healing our communities; and, with healing our planet.
Let us learn to make healthier choices that work in the greater balance:
- within our own selves
- within the greater systems we are one part of
Healthier living for your unique body and lifestyle
Are your health-conscious decisions truly leading to results that leave you FEELING GOOD IN YOUR BODY?
To me, healthy living is all about learning how we make choices that more deeply nourish and otherwise support the healthy functioning of our bodies. Importantly, it does this in a way that allows our nervous systems (and ALL aspects of self) to feel nourished and supported.
Unfortunately, the world is filled with misinformation and poor advice that leads individuals to make decisions that lead to unhealthy outcomes. This may happen:
- mentally & emotionally, as you battle yourself to make choices that are not in alignment with your needs
- physically, as you make choices that are not in alignment with your body's needs
To remedy this, I have spent the past decade calling upon all that I have learned from my diverse set of experiences:
- Through my time as a Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S.), devoted to understanding all I could about the human body and its major pathophysiological pathways that lead to poor health & disease
- As a Health Coach, devoted to understanding human behavior and how it is we make sense of science and translate it into meaningful results
- As a Yoga & Meditation Teacher, and more generally, as an Embodiment Coach, devoted to helping you get out of anxiety and overwhelm as you learn to listen deeply into your body for your greatest answers
Today, I teach an integrated approach to healthier living. I am most interested in how it is we take information from "out there" and translate it into meaningful results for you, as you, as you understand yourself more deeply in the context of your health.
Hi, I'm Katie!
I am a Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S), trained to understand the human body and to design and develop solutions to address disease. One way to do this is to manage symptoms of a disease diagnosis with technology. That's what I did for years in the medical device industry: help develop solutions to manage symptoms of diseases that have already progressed to life-threatening stages.
Here, we do things differently. While technology and medicine certainly serve a place in our lives, our work together looks more like releasing our dependency on our over-emphasis on science & technology as you learn to listen in more fully to your direct experience.
There is an important reason for this! Learn more over here.

Learn more about The Reprogrammed Systems Approach

All information contained on the Your Health, Reprogrammed platform aligns with The Reprogrammed Systems Approach to Healthy Decision-Making. Learn more about the two key pieces to The Approach:
- Knowledge: check out my series of models grounded in science and systems engineering to help ensure your decisions are leading you to healthy outcomes
- Aligned Action: put this knowledge into practice using the best principles and practices borrowed from a wide variety of philosophies to help ensure your journey to better health is a success