Make Healthier Decisions - The kind that truly support your full self, mind & body, as you embrace your Journey to Better Health
Take your next step on your own Journey to Better Health
- Support your day-to-day health and well-being as you gain greater energy, mental clarity, and an overall enhanced physical ability to take on your best life
- Lower your risk of developing common diseases that plague the modern world as you learn how your behavioral patterns drive the progression of poor metabolic health and disease
- Mindfully integrate new healthy practices into your current lifestyle so that you never again have to take on any short term diets or other interventions that over-stress and provide little return
My new fully online and self-paced course will walk you through how you can learn to make healthier decisions that truly support your own health and well-being
- release over-simplified models that call upon cherry-picked data sets to tell you how you should eat or otherwise behave to be healthy
- embrace a systems approach grounded in valid scientific principles as you learn to choose lifestyle practices that best serve you, as an individual
- simplify your health-conscious decisions by understanding how your metabolic health contributes to your day-to-day well-being along with your risk of developing a disease diagnosis down the road
Why don't diets and other lifestyle intervention plans often work to lead you to those health outcomes you are seeking?
On rare occasions, an individual comes across a particular diet or exercise program and falls in love. The plan is easy to follow and the results are incredible.
Most of the time, though, this isn't what happens.
Instead, the common story is to read all about a new diet, get all excited and motivated and try it out only to see small, short-term results alongside a platter of stress, overwhelm, and perhaps even negative physical symptoms.
The reason for this isn't because you have yet to find your perfect diet and exercise plan soulmates. Instead, it is because this model of healthy living is fundamentally flawed.
You - yes YOU! - are an incredibly special and unique human being that has your own genetics, epigentic expression, health history, and current lifestyle and life circumstances.
So, how on Earth could somebody else's idea of a perfect diet and exercise plan fit perfectly into your own niche?
Let's try this instead.
Learn to skillfully make healthy choices as you build healthy habits, fully nourishing and supporting the unique individual that you are.
Learn to make healthier decisions based on two foundational principles:
- You, as a human, are a complex, biological being that is well-designed to take care of its own needs if only given the proper resources and maintenance of a proper stress balance
- You, as a unique human being, are best supported by a combination of lifestyle practices, ones that may not necessarily fit someone else's idea of what it looks like to eat, exercise, or otherwise live.
Hi, I'm Katie, and I am a Biomedical Engineer, Health Coach, and Yoga Therapist
With my broad and unique background, my mission is simple: to help more individuals make healthier choices that enable them to live out their best lives supported with energy, mental clarity, and the physical ability to take on each day.